FDA Issues Fracture Warning for Osteoporosis Drugs

Another Reminder That We Need To Always Consider The Health Model Approach
A new headline today ties in with our last post so closely that we thought we’d follow up with clarifying information, as well as a reminder that the Designed2Win approach improves the outcome of any health treatment plan.
Osteoporosis drugs known as bisphosphonates (which include Fosamax, Boniva, Reclast and Actonel) have just been cited by the FDA to increase the chances for 2 unusual types of femur fractures. The breaks occur even as bone density improves, and when there appears to be plenty of mineralization. To the prescribing physician, the FDA, and the drug manufacturers, this finding is made out to be a surprise. The problem – once again – rests with the fact that they base their treatment approach on a disease model rather than a health model. The health model approach first gives consideration to the health and integrity of the bone’s inner protein matrix. Thus, what is lacking is what we have already termed The Matrix First Principle of Bone Building.
Our previous blog report laid the groundwork for building the protein matrix inside bone before ever trying to mineralize. This really is an essential first step – and one that the medical model ignores, instead going straight to the mineralization process. As a consequence, bisphosphonates tend to dissolve the glue-like hydroxylation of the matrix protein, leaving the bone vulnerable to the daily physical stresses, especially in and near the weight-bearing hip (where one of the increased fracture types occur) where thickness of the matrix is greatest. If you address the bone-building aspects first, the bones are much less vulnerable.
We carry a specialty product, MatrixFirst, which helps address this issue, which incidentally, has been our specially-priced item for the month of October. See the Institute for Health Realities website for more information about that.
Bottom (hip) line: With respect to bone building there’s much more that the disease model approach is lacking. Perhaps this needs to be the topic of our next online education series. We’ll let you voice your interest.