Chronic Mercury Toxicity: New Hope Against an Endemic Disease

Chronic Mercury Toxicity: New Hope Against an Endemic Disease

The first medical reference book on chronic mercury toxicity.

Many people entering a doctor’s office may be suffering from this condition without even knowing it.

This is the first book, written specifically for the doctor, which discusses all aspects of this disease, including a proposed treatment plan of intravenous vitamin C along with lifestyle counseling.

Originally published in 1988, this is still the best-researched and most complete textbook on diagnosing and managing chronic mercury toxicity–which is defined as the total effect on the body from chronic exposure to all types of mercury. A complete compendium of sources of mercury exposure and a step-by-step approach to managing and eliminating mercury from the body, makes this the best reference for any dentist or physician conducting a mercury-free practice.

You’ll find 300 pages packed with well-researched facts and enlightening illustrations in this comprehensive guide. The highly-readable format includes a complete cross-referenced index and a bibliography with more than 500 citations. Useful sample questionnaires are included, as well as treatment forms for patient evaluation and record-keeping. This reliable resource has been carefully reviewed by a qualified staff of medical, scientific and legal advisors.

This guide is also a valuable resource on the use of intravenous vitamin C treatment. The rationale for this approach is thoroughly discussed, with emphasis on safety and the prevention of kidney stones. Familiarize yourself with the risks vs. the benefits of this treatment, and learn how to modify the program by identifying and categorizing levels of risk for individual patients.

For the lay person, this book is also a valuable resource to help you learn more about your condition, in order to discuss options with your doctor.

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$50.00 USD


Comments from some of the book’s reviewers:

“I found the overall topic exciting and, because of my particular interest with vitamin C, I discovered those portions to be highly informative. In my opinion, the manuscript goes much beyond intravenous vitamin C and mercury.”

E. Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D.

Nutritional Practitioner, Former Chairman Department of Dentistry, University of Alabama Dental School

“Let me congratulate you on your book. I think you do a great service by bringing out all these facts.”

Robert F. Cathcart, III, M.D.

Practitioner, Environmental Medicine, California

“This book is a long-awaited one for people in the medical field who are forced to face the debilitating, longer-term consequences of mercury poisoning (chronic mercury toxicity).”

Tadeo Takeuchi, M.D.

Professor Emeritus Kumamoto University, Japan

(Dr. Takeuchi is the now-famous pathologist who gave the name Minimata Disease to methylmercury poisoning. Through his insightful investigation, the world now has a clear view of just what havoc mercury can wreak on a population.)


Hard cover, 301 pages

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Weight 1.75 lbs

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