Who Was H.L. “Sam” Queen?
Home / Who Was H.L."Sam" Queen
The Designed2Win Health Model Was the Brainchild of Biochemist, Clinical Nutritionist, Secondary Researcher and Teacher H.L. Sam Queen.
HL Sam Queen believed that our bodies are made by design, and designed to WIN, not to lose. No matter your belief in the designer - whether science or a supreme being - that fact, he believed, didn’t change. He felt the best way to experience real health was to understand that the body has a definite design, and then to support that design.
While Sam personally had strong beliefs as to who the designer was, his focus was driven only by finding the best path to support the body’s design for health, and he wanted to make that available to everyone. He felt that those benefitting the most were the ones who incorporated their health journey into their own personal beliefs.
Sam spent his life researching, studying, and working toward an ideal Health Model, based on all that that was available in scientific literature. He was never afraid to change his opinion as research indicated new developments. He trained other health practitioners of all specialties in that Health Model and helped countless individuals find paths to better health. He sincerely loved working with every single person, and always hoped that he could help everyone understand that they had ways to support their body’s design as they went about living life.
Although Sam in no longer physically with us, his Health Model still is, and still has tremendous value.

Here’s What Sam Had to Say About It

Interested in More?
Click here to visit Sam’s memorial page and learn a bit more about his story.